Personal Accident &
Illness Insurance
One of the most important forms of cover for self-employed tradies is Personal Accident & Illness providing you and your family income following an unexpected accident or illness.
Cover can be varied to reduce or increase the cover that suits you best:
- Covered whilst at work only
- Covered at work and whilst commuting
- Covered 24 hours, 7 days a week (yes, and that can include playing amateur footy on the weekends!)
- Sickness/Illness can be added or removed
What Can Be Covered
Do for You?
You never know what is around the corner. In the event of having an accident or unexpected illness, you want to rest easy knowing your policy will respond and provide income while you get back on your feet.
- How long you want to receive payments in the event of an accident
- The time you are able to ‘wait’ before your benefits kick in basically acting as an excess to lower or increase your premium
- What risky activities in your personal life do you take part in that you need cover for in case you are injured – think local sports
- Correctly covering you for the work you are doing
- Adjusting the $ cover you require in the event of an accident or falling ill.
What is Personal Accident and
Illness insurance?
Personal Accident and Illness insurance (also known as Sickness and Accident insurance or Accident and Illness insurance or Accident and Sickness insurance – and the list goes on) is protection of your income in the unfortunate event you suffer an accident or fall ill. As highlighted above, cover can be varied by working with your broker to suit the individual’s; lifestyle, work type and suitable cover limits.
We Have the Building Industry Covered
Specialist Construction & Building
Insurance Broker
At Be Covered, we are a building and construction specialist that truly understands that every self-employed business owner is unique in regards to the way you work and how you spend your spare time. To ensure your family and you are looked after in the event of you becoming injured or falling ill, speak to your building and construction insurance specialist at Be Covered who truly understands your needs.